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It is a gloomy day to most of us who have come to love this man through his adrenaline-pumping books and novels. The death of Tom Clancy means a loss to guys like you and me who have grown up (and grown old) with his intriguing espionage stories and close to real-life storytelling masterpieces.


This is a none other than a tiny tribute to who I treated as one of the greatest storyteller to have ever lived.

As far as I know of, I have never missed any single title that is authored by Tom Clancy. 'The Hunt for Red October' is one of my all-time favorite read. I'm certain you ought to have a non-identical pick and share with us your take on the comments below.


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Tom Clancy, 'The Cardinal of the Kremlin' author just passed away

is a chore we can't avoid


love it. hate it. vacuum it.

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